
Abstractions - The Fine Arts Society, Hindu College

Arts & Crafts


Abstractions, the fine arts society of Hindu College was established in 1998. With a history of over 25 years, it is one of the most active societies in the college. As the fine arts society, Abstractions houses students from various métiers such as painting, sculpting, sketching, photography, graffiti, etc. We stand as a vibrant community that embraces the world of visual arts. With a focus on nurturing talent and fostering a thriving artistic community, Abstractions is at the forefront of igniting creativity within the college campus. Abstractions encourages multi-media projects that bring together students from different artistic backgrounds. By fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, the society promotes a spirit of innovation and experimentation, resulting in unique and thought-provoking artistic endeavors. Abstractions provide creative freedom to its members for them to thoroughly express their ideas in the form of art.