
Abhikshamta Education Foundation (NGO)

Non-profit Organizations


Abhikshamta is a platform aimed to foster young minds of children through education. A not-for-profit organization duly registered under section-8 of the company’s act directly working with underprivileged children to provide quality education and ensure a better future for them. We follow a path “Educate. Impact. Succeed.” We impart quality education to the children from under-privileged and marginalized sections of the society through state-of-the-art interventions focusing on infrastructure, learning aids, development of a socially meaningful curriculum. We foster a child centered joyful learning practice and motivate children to be self-reliant. We believe in imparting pragmatic skills that are helpful to them and important for their continuing education. Such skills include the ability to communicate confidently, focus on tasks and take initiatives in seeking information. Vision: To work towards the development of a socially conscious and economically empowered society where there is an equal opportunity to access basic needs like quality education and self- reliance to all. Mission: We aim to encourage basic primary education by increasing the accessibility of quality education to the unprivileged children. We motivate people to eradicate social inequality by taking responsibility of the deprived section of society. We awaken the social conscience of the people to realize the idea of “vasudhaiva kutumbakam” or world as a family and work together towards a sustainable future. Our model is based on the collective effort to transform a child's life by providing quality education, fostering joyful learning and enabling them to be self- reliant.