
2020 Program for Global Health

Hospitals and Health Care
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The 2020 Program is a combined initiative to provide knowledge-driven universal health and medical services to the people of the world. The purpose of the program is to maximize health while seriously working to eliminate disease. Knowledge-driven universal coverage treats knowledge as a public good as long as it is in the public domain and as an asset where it has legitimate private claims. The 2020 Program for Global Health is to assist health ministries around the world to leverage available knowledge by coming to understand the "deep context" of each person's health condition through constant collection and interpretation of as many relevant health-related data points as can be brought together. To accomplish this 2020 Program and its partner organizations work to provide low cost, comprehensive testing and interpretation of test data along with direct support of integrative medicine and data-directed health decision-making. The object of the Program is to help each person to achieve "Optimum Performance Living" based on the application of knowledge with regard to their unique conditions. Partners in the 2020 Program include Health 4.0, Consolidated Health Exchange, Spendlove Medical Research Institute, FLEET Nutrition, and Architectural Nexus.