
Гигена Север ООО (Hygiene Nord Co. Ltd. - part of TZMO SA)



TZMO Capital Group TZMO Capital Group is the leading European producer and supplier of medical devices, personal hygiene and body care products on the world market. The products of TZMO Capital Group are the first choice of numerous Polish Clients; also the number of loyal Customers of our products on the world markets constantly increases. The beginning of the Group dates back to the year 1951, when the state owned company Toruńskie Zakłady Materiałów Opatrunkowych was established. In 1991 the Public Company Toruńskie Zakłady Materiałów Opatrunkowych purchased its equity from the Treasury. This was one of the first successful privatizations of a state owned company in Poland. The shareholders of the company are individuals and Polish citizens: the company's employees and the medical community representatives.