
Национален алианс за социална отговорност/ National Alliance for Social Responsibility

Non-profit Organization Management


The National Alliance for Social Responsibility is a non-profit legal entity performing activities for public benefit. The organisation unites and motivates and supports business entities, non-profit legal entities, municipalities, municipal and regional structures and organisations in their efforts and capacity for implementing social engagement and social responsibility policies and activities. For over twenty years the Alliance has gained extremely useful and successful experience by implementing significant and innovative European and national cooperation projects in the field of social services, the partnership with socially responsible employers, employment, corporate social responsibility, social entrepreneurship, culture, etc. NASO was recognized as a national umbrella organisation by Decision No. 120 of the Council of Ministers of 2 March 2011 and Decision No. 41 of 24 January 2020. NASO is actively involved in the National Council for Persons with Disabilities, the National Council for Social Inclusion and the National Council for Child Protection. NASO is a member of the Corporate Social Responsibility Advisory Council of the Minister of Labour and Social Policy. NASO participates in working groups tasked with consultations and legislative changes in social policies and services, the social and solidarity economy, as well as in other current topics on the agenda of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy. NASO is the Bulgarian representative of EASPD (the European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities).