Robert Krajewski
Koordynator ds. Procesów Operacyjnych at SMYK Group- Claim this Profile
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Zuzana Becicova
Zuzana Becicova HO Zlate Piesky Tesco Stores SR, a.s. Cesta na Senec 2 Bratislava 845 45 Slovakia 14 October 2019 To Whom It May Concern: Robert Krajewski was working in our Polish operations team as Clothing Area manager for Warsaw region and surrounding stores since 2013 until October 2019. From the start of his role he showed great people skills and store teams accepted him really well. As a result of his coaching of store teams, his stores were delivering great standards as well as operational routines. Robert was also very supportive during our store visits of our UK colleagues when he always accompanied our teams through store and competition visits, provided constructive feedback while using big benefit of speaking fluent English. Roberts key strengths are his ‘can do’ attitude and willingness to help in each of the situations or requests that he was faced with. He learned the role very quickly and understood the key specifics of our Tesco ways of working, although coming from a high street background. He was a valued member of his team and contributed well to a pleasant, though high performing culture. He also provided valuable feedback to commercial teams with precision and care. Reliability and responsiveness were his other characteristics. Robert is a great warm person and I would recommend him for any job that requires managing teams, cross-cultural cooperation, remote management skills and training of others. The reason for Robert leaving his current positions have no performance background and are purely structure changes related to downsizing of stores which required reduction of operating cost - cancellation of Roberts position. If you would like additional information about Robert, you can contact me via email or phone below. Sincerely, Zuzana Becicova Head of Clothing Operation in Central Europe F&F Clothing at Tesco Mobile +421 903 693 436
Zuzana Becicova
Zuzana Becicova HO Zlate Piesky Tesco Stores SR, a.s. Cesta na Senec 2 Bratislava 845 45 Slovakia 14 October 2019 To Whom It May Concern: Robert Krajewski was working in our Polish operations team as Clothing Area manager for Warsaw region and surrounding stores since 2013 until October 2019. From the start of his role he showed great people skills and store teams accepted him really well. As a result of his coaching of store teams, his stores were delivering great standards as well as operational routines. Robert was also very supportive during our store visits of our UK colleagues when he always accompanied our teams through store and competition visits, provided constructive feedback while using big benefit of speaking fluent English. Roberts key strengths are his ‘can do’ attitude and willingness to help in each of the situations or requests that he was faced with. He learned the role very quickly and understood the key specifics of our Tesco ways of working, although coming from a high street background. He was a valued member of his team and contributed well to a pleasant, though high performing culture. He also provided valuable feedback to commercial teams with precision and care. Reliability and responsiveness were his other characteristics. Robert is a great warm person and I would recommend him for any job that requires managing teams, cross-cultural cooperation, remote management skills and training of others. The reason for Robert leaving his current positions have no performance background and are purely structure changes related to downsizing of stores which required reduction of operating cost - cancellation of Roberts position. If you would like additional information about Robert, you can contact me via email or phone below. Sincerely, Zuzana Becicova Head of Clothing Operation in Central Europe F&F Clothing at Tesco Mobile +421 903 693 436
Zuzana Becicova
Zuzana Becicova HO Zlate Piesky Tesco Stores SR, a.s. Cesta na Senec 2 Bratislava 845 45 Slovakia 14 October 2019 To Whom It May Concern: Robert Krajewski was working in our Polish operations team as Clothing Area manager for Warsaw region and surrounding stores since 2013 until October 2019. From the start of his role he showed great people skills and store teams accepted him really well. As a result of his coaching of store teams, his stores were delivering great standards as well as operational routines. Robert was also very supportive during our store visits of our UK colleagues when he always accompanied our teams through store and competition visits, provided constructive feedback while using big benefit of speaking fluent English. Roberts key strengths are his ‘can do’ attitude and willingness to help in each of the situations or requests that he was faced with. He learned the role very quickly and understood the key specifics of our Tesco ways of working, although coming from a high street background. He was a valued member of his team and contributed well to a pleasant, though high performing culture. He also provided valuable feedback to commercial teams with precision and care. Reliability and responsiveness were his other characteristics. Robert is a great warm person and I would recommend him for any job that requires managing teams, cross-cultural cooperation, remote management skills and training of others. The reason for Robert leaving his current positions have no performance background and are purely structure changes related to downsizing of stores which required reduction of operating cost - cancellation of Roberts position. If you would like additional information about Robert, you can contact me via email or phone below. Sincerely, Zuzana Becicova Head of Clothing Operation in Central Europe F&F Clothing at Tesco Mobile +421 903 693 436
Zuzana Becicova
Zuzana Becicova HO Zlate Piesky Tesco Stores SR, a.s. Cesta na Senec 2 Bratislava 845 45 Slovakia 14 October 2019 To Whom It May Concern: Robert Krajewski was working in our Polish operations team as Clothing Area manager for Warsaw region and surrounding stores since 2013 until October 2019. From the start of his role he showed great people skills and store teams accepted him really well. As a result of his coaching of store teams, his stores were delivering great standards as well as operational routines. Robert was also very supportive during our store visits of our UK colleagues when he always accompanied our teams through store and competition visits, provided constructive feedback while using big benefit of speaking fluent English. Roberts key strengths are his ‘can do’ attitude and willingness to help in each of the situations or requests that he was faced with. He learned the role very quickly and understood the key specifics of our Tesco ways of working, although coming from a high street background. He was a valued member of his team and contributed well to a pleasant, though high performing culture. He also provided valuable feedback to commercial teams with precision and care. Reliability and responsiveness were his other characteristics. Robert is a great warm person and I would recommend him for any job that requires managing teams, cross-cultural cooperation, remote management skills and training of others. The reason for Robert leaving his current positions have no performance background and are purely structure changes related to downsizing of stores which required reduction of operating cost - cancellation of Roberts position. If you would like additional information about Robert, you can contact me via email or phone below. Sincerely, Zuzana Becicova Head of Clothing Operation in Central Europe F&F Clothing at Tesco Mobile +421 903 693 436
SMYK Group
400 - 500 Employee
Koordynator ds. Procesów Operacyjnych
Jun 2020 - Present
F&F Clothing
United Kingdom
Retail Apparel and Fashion
300 - 400 Employee
Regionalny Kierownik ds. Operacji Odzieżowych F&F / F&F Clothing Area Manager
May 2013 - Nov 2019
Zarządzanie pracą stoisk odzieżowych w sklepach w podległym regionie operacyjnym Weryfikacja wskaźników sprzedaży KPI oraz opracowywanie planu naprawczego dla sklepów nieosiągających pożądanych wyników Kontrola ustalonych standardów VM, przeprowadzanie audytów oraz list kontrolnych, weryfikacja poprawności cen Zapewnienie właściwego poziomu zatowarowania stoisk, monitorowanie poziomu zapasu (braki, nadwyżki) Nadzorowanie i koordynowanie prac przy przebudowach istniejących stoisk oraz przy otwarciach nowych sklepów i zamknięciach obiektów likwidowanych, wprowadzanie nowych kolekcji we wzorcowych sklepach Zarządzanie zespołem i pełnienie obowiązków bezpośredniego przełożonego pod jego nieobecność Wsparcie przy rozwiązywaniu problemów operacyjnych w sklepach, szkolenia pracowników oraz kadry managerskiej, współpraca z agencją pracy tymczasowej, rekrutacja Doraźne wsparcie sklepów w przypadku problemów technicznych – dowóz drukarki fiskalnej, materiałów marketingowych lub innych narzędzi niezbędnych do prawidłowego funkcjonowania stoiska odzieżowego Monitorowanie działań konkurencji Show less
700 & Above Employee
Team Leader
Nov 2007 - May 2012
Wsparcie kadry menadżerskiej w zakresie realizacji planu sprzedaży: raporty, statystyki, prognozy obrotów, organizacja akcji promocyjnych i wyprzedaży Zarządzanie podległym zespołem pracowników: delegowanie zadań, przygotowywanie grafików, regularne szkolenia oraz motywowanie pracowników Dbałość o przestrzeganie standardów obowiązujących w firmie oraz atrakcyjny wystrój Rozliczanie transakcji sprzedaży i zwrotów, raporty form płatności, bieżące zaopatrzenie Dodatkowe czynności administracyjno – biurowe Show less
La Femme Rouge
Londyn, Wielka Brytania
Nov 2006 - Nov 2007
Zarządzanie zespołem: przygotowywanie grafików pracy dla podległych pracowników, rozliczanie czasu pracy, prowadzenie arkuszy kalkulacyjnych i wypłaty za ilość przepracowanych godzin w okresach tygodniowych dla pracowników zatrudnionych na stałe i doraźnie na niepełny wymiar Zarządzanie biurem, zamówienia materiałów biurowych, logistyka zaopatrzenia Nawiązywanie i utrzymywanie kontaktów z nowymi i aktualnymi kontrahentami Analiza sprzedaży Zarządzanie zespołem: przygotowywanie grafików pracy dla podległych pracowników, rozliczanie czasu pracy, prowadzenie arkuszy kalkulacyjnych i wypłaty za ilość przepracowanych godzin w okresach tygodniowych dla pracowników zatrudnionych na stałe i doraźnie na niepełny wymiar Zarządzanie biurem, zamówienia materiałów biurowych, logistyka zaopatrzenia Nawiązywanie i utrzymywanie kontaktów z nowymi i aktualnymi kontrahentami Analiza sprzedaży
700 & Above Employee
Sprzedawca, Asystent Kierownika Działu / Sales Assistant, Assistant Floor Manager
Sep 2004 - Sep 2006
Prognozowanie wielkości sprzedaży i analiza źródła obrotów Organizacja pracy dla podległych sprzedawców, tworzenie zakresów czynności i przydzielanie zadań Zatrudnianie nowych pracowników, treningi i szkolenia, odpowiedzialność za rozwój pracowników, motywowanie pracowników Aranżacja wystroju sklepu, działów pod kątem promocji Obsługa klienta, sporządzanie dziennych raportów transakcji sprzedaży i zwrotu, obsługa reklamacji i wyjaśnianie zażaleń, inwentaryzacja Dodatkowe czynności administracyjno – biurowe Show less
Levi Strauss & Co.
United States
Retail Apparel and Fashion
700 & Above Employee
Sprzedawca, Kasjer / Sales Assistant
Oct 2003 - Sep 2004
Kompleksowa obsługa klienta Transakcje sprzedaży i zwrotu Przyjmowanie i rejestracja towaru Obsługa terminali kart kredytowych Kompleksowa obsługa klienta Transakcje sprzedaży i zwrotu Przyjmowanie i rejestracja towaru Obsługa terminali kart kredytowych
Designs by Robert Scott Inc.
Nowy Jork, USA
Stolarz / Carpenter
Feb 2002 - Nov 2002
Agencja Handlowa „ARTIA” Sp. z o.o.
Warszawa, woj. mazowieckie, Polska
Administrator, Asystent
Oct 2000 - Dec 2001
Administracja biura: przygotowywanie listy płac, organizowanie podróży służbowych Negocjacje ofert z kontrahentami, korespondencja handlowa, przyjmowanie zleceń, wystawianie faktur Administracja biura: przygotowywanie listy płac, organizowanie podróży służbowych Negocjacje ofert z kontrahentami, korespondencja handlowa, przyjmowanie zleceń, wystawianie faktur
Business School w Warszawie
Zarządzanie i marketing