Idriss Neumann

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(386) 825-5501
Paris, Île-de-France, France, FR

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      Co-founder and CTO of the social network Technologies used: Java 8 / Spring / Thymleaf / JQuery / Bootstrap / Webservices REST with CXF, OpenFeign / PostgreSQL / Elasticsearch / Redis. Vert.x and CDI (HK2) for the Elasticsearch integration component. Unit tests and integration tests with JUnit, AssertJ, Mockito, DbUnit, Spring test and vertx-unit. Continuous delivery with Git, Gitlab/Gitlab-ci, Ansible, Docker.

      Technical architecture definition and development: Restful API with Python FastAPI & PostgreSQL, web & mobile GUI with Flutter. SRE, cloud automation using terraform/terragrunt for infrastructure provisioning on GCP. CI/CD build and deployment on GCP cloudrun (knative managed service on GCP) using OCI containers. Managing a development and SRE team based in Tunisia.

      Follow the deployment of new microservices using cwcloud (a Deployment as a Service solution based on OCI containers developed by comwork) on OVH public cloud. Development of new RESTful microservices in the KYC business area ("know your customer", a.k.a online identity control) with Python Flask, MariaDB and redis. Gitlab-ci, helm (Kubernetes) and ansible role for deployments on different type of compute. Managing a development and SRE team based in Tunisia.

      Management of new production environments on Google Cloud Platform (and Scaleway for dev environments) based on Kubernetes (GKE). Setting up gitops with github, TektonCD, ArgoCD and Harbor. Installation of the technical bricks necessary for developers by following the gitops's rules (Elasticstack/ELK for example). Infrastructure as code with Terraform and Terragrunt for Google cloud storage, cloud SQL and all other managed services of GCP and Elastic cloud. Also scripting mainly with Python and bash and making some restful API with python flask / fastapi. Show less

      VeggiePI is a project that push aquaponic and hydroponic systems and other smart agriculture projects to the next level. Based on various IoT sensors and actuators, cloud native, bigdata and machine learning. Rebuild and packaging of diverse componant such as Elasticsearch and Kibana for ARM32 using docker/OCI containers. Python and C development also packaged as docker images optimized for ARM microships and deployed in a gitops way using gitlab-ci.

      I joined the French Post's Digital Hub project (a.k.a "Le Hub Numérique de La Poste") as technical leader and SRE/DevOps consultant within the Docaposte IOT division. It's an universal platform for pairing IOT devices, getting a summary of the data reported by those devices on a dashboard and making them communicate with each other using configurable scenarios (pretty close to serverless functions) and services. This platform can be used both for companies with a business portal and restful APIs and for particular. Lots of public administrations and companies are using it for accelerate their development like a BaaS (backend as a service) and bring more value to their own services using the postman's tour and some devices. Here's a non-exhaustive list of personal contributions to this project: - Implementation of a reactive microservice architecture based on Docker, Kafka, Java, Vert.x and Hazelcast - Implementation of dedicated monitoring instances based on Docker, Nginx, Letsencrypt, ElasticStack (Elasticsearch + Kibana) and Kafka - Establishment of technical supervision based on collectd, Kafka, Elasticsearch and Grafana - Synchronization of Elasticsearch clusters on two datacenters via Kafka - CI / CD: Automation of feature delivery via gitlab-ci and docker pipelines with validation steps and tests using maven or npm or tox - Automation of the deployment of our infrastructure with Terraform, Puppet, Ansible - Implementation and maintenance of the exposure of our applications: reverse proxies (apache and nginx), load balencers (haproxy), api gateway (tyk), https certificates with letsencrypt - Numerous backend features carried out within the features teams whether it is Restfull APIs based on Spring, Springboot or reactive microservices with Vert.x and Kafka and Cassandra, Redis and Elasticsearch as NoSQL databases - Technical supervision of backend developer teams in Paris as well as in Tunis depending on the period Show less

      Member of the admin team of the first IT french-speaker online community focused on development and new information technologies. Also a writter, you can see my tutorials here: - From 2010 to 2012: moderator Linux section - From 2012 to 2015: manager of the moderation team - Since 2012 writer on Linux, Java, Application LifeCycle Management (design of IS databases, agile management & scrum)

      Ingénieur consultant SI au sein du skill CSD de Paris. Voici un résumé des quelques projets auxquels j'ai pu participer : - De Sept. 2011 à Mars 2014 : automatisation du tri du courrier et refonte du référentiel adresse à La Poste (analyse et développement PHP / MySQL / REST / NoSQL (Cassandra) / SolR, Java GWT, shell-scripts sous Linux, encadrement d'itérations scrum, support technique) ; - Sept. / Oct. 2014 : prototype (dans le cadre d'une avant-vente) d'une refonte d'un SI initialement réalisé en C vers une solution JEE / Spring (IoC, MVC, Security) / Hibernate avec Sybase et des procédures stockées en TSQL ; - De Mars 2014 à Février 2015 : projets UGAP au ministère de la santé et à la CNSA (projets DiHoMed, Potentiel Emploi, CES/GO.CARTES) : analyse, développement JEE / Spring (IoC, MVC, Security) / Hibernate (bases PostgreSQL et SQLServer) / JSF / Primefaces / triggers et procédures stockées en PL/pgSQL (PostgreSQL) et TSQL (SQLServer), shell-scripts sous Linux, support technique, mise en place des outils de tests et de mesure de la qualité de code (frameworks, Jenkins, JaCoCo, Checkstyle et Findbugs) , DevOps ; - De Janvier 2015 à Décembre 2015 : refonte d'un SI de gestion commerciale et d'orchestration au Fret SNCF en JEE (Java 8) / Spring (IoC, MVC, Security, Batch) / CDI / Weld / Thymleaf / JQuery / Bootstrap / Hibernate (bases Oracle 11g et PostgreSQL) / WS REST et SOAP avec CXF / ElasticSearch / Procédures stockées et triggers en PL/SQL. DevOps avec Chef et Jenkins. Support technique pour les équipes de développeurs off shore sur Casablanca. Participation à la mise en place des outils de tests et de mesure de la qualité de code (frameworks, Jenkins, SonarQube, JaCoCo, Checkstyle, et Findbugs). Mise en place d'un framework open source pour gérer les workflows et cycles de vie des dossiers de commandes du fret. Apprenti en alternance avec l'école d'ingénieur du CNAM de sept. 2011 à sept. 2014. Ingénieur en CDI de sept. 2014 à décembre 2015. Show less

      Development of support tools within the SVO / MCO division (responsible of maintenance in operational condition of the IT systems) at the RATP (french company of public transports which is responsible of the parisian subway and bus network) to plan and prevent shutdowns of the S.I.E.L system (real time information system for the travellers). Here's the used technologies: PHP / PostgreSQL, xHTML / CSS / JS


  • Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers / CNAM
    Diplôme d'ingénieur, Information Technology
    2011 - 2014
  • Staffordshire University
    Information Technology
    2012 - 2012
  • Evry Parc des loges
    BTS IG développeur d'application, Information Technology
    2009 - 2011
  • Lycée Léonard de Vinci - St Michel sur Orge (91)
    Baccalauréat Scientifique, spécialité Mathématiques
    2006 - 2009


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