

Security Systems Services
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ZoobeTek is a startup focused on preventing leaks related to the security of business information and will be a spin-off from ITRI in 2023. The members of our core team have been working at the Industrial Technology Research Institute since 2016 to optimize the research and development of information security system applications. For the company, the government, and the military who need to protect their sensitive data, Zoobe's mission is to ensure that any business doesn't worry about the problems and losses of money caused by stealing important data. We deliver multiplatform services and customized service content to help different businesses reach the same goal. It's a data security solution that protects data from unauthorized access, corruption, or theft. Also, provide an easy way to empower employees to securely use their personal mobile devices to conduct business while preserving the end user's privacy. Unlike VPN or MDM, employees don't need to install an agent or have complex settings on their mobile devices. Zoobe also helps the company eliminate 60% cyber-attack and improve employee work efficiency. 一、「ZoobeTek 指向科技」技術簡介: 自主研發設計的ARM soc伺服器 + 運用新型態的 streaming service開發的APP(APPortal),為企業打造安全的行動應用服務,特別適合目前WORK Anywhere下需要防駭的資安要求。 二、產品特點概述: 1.提供的解決方案可供企業內部同仁在有網路連線的環境下,透過任意行動裝置不論時地皆可安全存取機敏資料。 2.獨特的低延遲串流技術讓員工在行動裝置順暢操作,並提供100%獨立執行環境,達到企業資料與個人裝置的100%資料隔離。 3.指向的ARM soc就是一個虛擬的伺服器,不會在企業用戶設備端上儲存任何資料,所有操作都在雲端或企業資料中心的受控環境運行,傳輸的資料是畫面像素(Pixel)而非實際資料,即使遭駭,也無法取得真實完整的資料。 三、實際案例: 已在電信業與軍方單位落地,每日使用人數達到 10,000人,上線的系統應用app超過 70個,協助防堵 80% 社交工程攻擊 和 40% 網路惡意行為攻擊。