
Y.E.S! Your Everyday Solutions - Business Solutions & Lifestyle Management

Consumer Services


Y.E.S! Your Everyday Solutions understands that there just aren’t enough hours in a day to get everything done, our wide range of business, personal, household, and property services are aimed at making your life easier. I will happily solve the day-to-day problems of "too much to do with too little time" and ensure that your business life, personal life and your home are well managed. The main advantage of utilising Y.E.S! Your Everyday Solutions is that you can use the service for any aspect of your life. Think about all the tasks you try to fit into a typical week and consider how much easier it would be if someone helped you, or even took them off your hands, this might mean booking a hotel and train tickets for a weekend away, choosing and buying a friend’s birthday present, finding a reliable handyman to fix a leaking tap, selecting and booking a restaurant for a romantic evening, or entertaining the family during the school holidays. Then there are the bigger tasks: organising and booking the holiday of a lifetime, moving house, finding the right school for your children, arranging a family reunion, or buying a new car to name but a few. I have gained experience & qualifications in:- **Cert IV in Small Business Development **Workplace Health & Safety Officer (construction) **Office Manager **Trainer & Assessor **Diploma of Business & Marketing - PC Repair Specialist