

Education Management

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“Improving the Condition of Special Education in China” “为中国提升中国特殊教育的质量” Established in 2014, Xiersen Children Service Center is a Shanghai registered NGO founded by special education professionals and advocates who saw a need for customized solutions for China. 希儿森儿童服务中心成立于2014年,是一家由一群特殊教育专业人士发起,在 中国正式注册的非政府机构。希儿森的成立旨在为中国的特殊教育提供可持续 的发展方案,进而更好地服务于中国的特殊儿童及家庭。 Xiersen's goal is to ensure that more people with developmental challenges and their families can thrive with a focus on special education consulting, research and translation. 希儿森的愿景是通过提供特殊教育咨询、特教相关研究及国外特教资源的本土 化,让更多人士和他们的家庭更好地去应对发展挑战。 Its main initiatives are: 希儿森当前的主要项目包括: - Supporting existing rehabilitation centers and organizations that are struggling to survive due to lack of professional resource 通过专业的教育者新模式来革新特殊教育服务方式。 - Developing innovative awareness campaigns 开展创新型关爱活动。 - Bringing the best practices and products from abroad to the China market for special educators 为缺乏专业资源而处于存亡边缘的康复中心和机构提供支持。 - Revolutionizing the way special education services are provided through a new paradigm of specialized educators 将国外最好的特殊教育方法和产品引进中国并本土化。 Xiersen works with corporations and local charity partners to achieve our mission. Our major supporters are: ELG, K2VC, NuanXing Technology, East China Normal University, The Shanghai Mental Health Center, The Shanghai Pudong Fudu School, Gap, Active Kidz Shanghai and The Rotary Club of Shanghai. 为了实现我们的愿景,希儿森与企业和当地慈善机构紧密合作。我们当前的合 作伙伴包括:学建(ELG)、险峰长青(K2VC)、上海星惜科技有限公司(暖 星社区)、华东师范大学、上海市精神卫生中心、上海浦东新区辅读学校、 GAP、 Active Kidz Shanghai(AKS),及上海扶轮社。