

Higher Education


Welcome to WORLD OF WISDOM & SPIRITUAL ADVENTURE Our Goal Is To Guide You Down the Path of Self-Development by the following principles! Spiritual knowledge. You should expect to receive real results in your life. We ground all of our highest spiritual knowledge in practical disciplines, methods, and exercises that you can use to enhance the quality of your life. Understanding. Only by understanding the deep principles of life can we develop ourselves, act powerfully using our free will, become fully conscious, and realize who we truly are. Return to the Ancient Ways. All wise people say that many problems of modern man have appeared because we have lost contact with our own roots. We help you regain ancient knowledge and to reconnect with nature. Personal Empowerment. We believe each person is endowed with abilities, goals, and a life purpose that is unique. And it is only when you receive individual support that you can take control of your own inner qualities, talents, health, and happiness. We provide that support. Responsibility. Each person is the owner of their own life. Using will, wisdom, and a deep desire to improve their lives, our students generate profound changes for themselves. We help our students understand and cultivate universal principles and laws, but each must make the daily decision to improve. Open Mindedness. We remain open to new ideas and we are dedicated to teaching a distillation of spiritual principles. We combine Eastern and Western traditions in a synergy of wisdom that will improve your life according to your unique desires, needs, and abilities. Consciousness. We are introducing a new culture of consciousness into society; this is a great need in our challenging times. We fulfill this through different media such as media, books, magazines, lectures, workshops, courses, videos, and websites. We are also building schools and institutions all over the world, each one designed to address the unique needs of the local people.