
Women Educational Researchers of Kenya



Founded in 1994, WERK is a registered professional membership association that strives to contribute towards the entrenchment of the principles of equity, justice & peace in Kenya for all Kenyans by linking research to advocacy. Through its membership, WERK has established a track record in conducting rigorous, large scale, innovative & cutting edge research & applying it to advocacy & policy reform. WERK’s Secretariat is engaged in the implementation of multi-year education action research projects which address access to education, equity in education, transition and completion strategies, learning outcomes, life skills and mentorship. The projects focus on early childhood education, basic education, girls’ education, gender in education, education in pastoralist & marginalized regions, education for minorities, teacher support & development. WERK is currently actively supporting the implementation of the Competency Based Curriculum, supported the implementation and amendment of the Alternative Provision of Basic Education and Training (APBET) guidelines for low-cost primary schools’ education, lobbying for the government’s adoption of the early childhood development curriculum by Think Equal, supporting the Ministry of Education in developing a training module and disseminating the Mentorship Policy, and piloting the teaching at the right level (TARL) model of supporting learners falling behind within the PAL Network and Uwezo in order to develop a module for scale up into the curriculum. Cross learning to improve implementation and evaluation of education projects has been enhanced by WERK’s active involvement in the Learning Outcome Network (LON), Elimu Yetu Coalition (EYC), Mukuru Special Planning Area (SPA), the Regional Education and Learning Initiative (RELI) for East Africa, People’s Action for Learning (PAL) Network & the Urban Education Group (UEG). WERK's partners include UNICEF, Educate A Child, RTI, EDT, APHRC, World Bank, ActionAid, UKaid, KCDF, etc.

  • Nairobi

    Nairobi, CBD division, Starehe, Nairobi County, Nairobi, 46464, Kenya

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