
Upper Cervical Chiropractic of San Francisco

Health, Wellness & Fitness


Upper Cervical Chiropractic San Francisco is a private practice Blair Chiropractic office located in the heart of downtown San Francisco. We focus particularly in the cranio-cervical region at the base of the skull, specializing in migraines, TMJ, concussions, whiplash and neurological disorders. There is NO forceful pulling, cracking, twisting, or jerking motions of any kind. Simply, we focus on the position or movement of a persons head on it’s neck, and how this alignment has compromised the nerve system. The nerve or nervous system regulates, communicates and coordinates all the body’s organ systems, as well as maintains normal health and healing cycles. As the head’s weight can shift from center of the top of the neck, the body will compensate creating a body imbalance, and create irritation of the tissues that surround the centerpoint of the body’s nerve system. By correcting the head/neck posture, this relieves irritation, allowing the body to begin to function more appropriately, and allow changes in the body without the use of potentially harmful drugs or surgery. Again, there is NO forceful pulling, twisting, or jerking motion of your neck. Our correction is applied using a precise and controlled touch that allows the head, neck and body to return to its proper positions, restoring balance to the body and removing the interferences that may show up in your body as symptoms. Our goal is to adjust you as few times as possible. Seriously. Holding your adjustment is what gets you well, not getting adjusted.