
University of Toronto Mississauga Residence Council (UTMRC) is a student government of elected residence students who are dedicated to enhancing student life and building a strong, positive residence-wide community. This group of students organizes residence-wide social events both on and off campus. The council works closely with the entire resident student population, listening to student feedback and advocating for an improved student experience at the University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM). UTM Residence Council has two member seats on Quality Student Services (QSS) which is a council of students and administrators that work toward the improvement of the student experience at the University of Toronto Mississauga. They work together to improve the services at UTM for all students. Each year UTMRC looks for new members, both on an executive level and as community representatives for one of the seven residence communities. Even if this will be your first year, you are more than welcome to join UTMRC and get involved from the beginning! Involvement outside of the classroom and within the residence community is a great way to meet others, help plan and run fun events, work as a member of a collaborative team, act as a positive role model, make a difference, and much more.