
Uneo Inc. 利永環球科技股份有限公司

Semiconductor Manufacturing


Uneo Inc. is the subsidiary of Universal Cement Corporation, Taiwan (TW.1104) and specializes in the research and manufacturing of thin film pressure sensor, UneoTM Sensor, which has been recognized by the Wall Street Journal Innovation Award in 2010 and Edison Award for Innovation in 2015. Since its inception, the sensor has been adapted to a wide ranging application and has already been used in integrated into numerous consumer electronic products. Uneo Inc. is also actively engaging partners in the field of wearable medical, sports, automobile devices, and digital artists to bring new user experience to consumers. 利永環球科技股份有限公司(Uneo Inc.)為台南幫集團公司之一環球水泥公司(1104)轉投資具備超薄型壓力感測器設計、生產及系統整合能力的電子科技公司,其核心技術榮獲美國華爾街日報2010年全球科技創新獎。有鑑於電子產品形態走向輕便可摺疊攜帶的趨勢,公司已和世界知名大廠量產全球領先之產品應用,如超薄型靈敏度可調式鍵盤、主動式壓力筆感測元件、全平面防水按鍵、及各類穿戴式醫療、運動用品和工業用儀器等,以創新的應用將科技與生活提升到全新的使用情境。