
▒│ Treaty Law • Droit des traités │▒

International Affairs
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NETWORKING PURPOSES & TREATY-RELATED DOCUMENTATION (Protocols, Treaties, Covenants, Accords, etc. in almost all areas). This page was also established to occasionally further some knowledge of treaty law and the law of treaties. It also publishes treaty-related news, internet pages, original texts, and other material audio-visual, etc.) that will help achieve a better understanding. We live in the era of treaties. Information is the raw material for all human activity. In today's so-called "era of treaties", only those with information literacy may claim effectiveness. Information, however, is multiform and diverse, timely, or outdated, depending on the case. Nous vivons à l'ère des traités. L'information est la matière première à toute activité humaine. Dans le monde d’aujourd’hui caractérisé par ce que l’on appelle l’ « ère des traités », seuls pourront prétendre à l’efficacité, ceux qui auront une maîtrise de l’information. Or, l’information est multiforme et diverse, opportune ou désuète selon les cas. Founder and administrator of the 'Treaty Law • Droit des traités' page. In this context, Abdoul Ndoye received various notes of encouragement, acknowledgment, and appreciation on a cosmopolitan scale. ᗰEᖇᑕI ✿