

Semiconductor Manufacturing


THRIVE CHIP is a professional electronic components (spot) distributor and partner of many famous domestic and foreign agents. Since its establishment, the company has been striving to serve the high-tech enterprises of the motherland, and the company has continuously invested funds and prepared a large number of spot inventory to facilitate the immediate needs of each customer. Every THRIVECHIPS component comes from the original manufacturer, authentic and reliable. After years of channel accumulation and efforts, both traders and factory customers, has become the preferred quality suppliers of many high-tech enterprises. It is also under the care and support of all partners that we can win success and affirmation again and again in the industry, but we will continue to forge ahead to provide customers with the best products and services. Main scope: focus on MCU processor as the core, the distribution of ST microcontroller: STM32F, STM8S, STM8L; NXP MICROcontroller: LPC series; SILICON MCU C8051F series, TI (Texas Instruments) brand series continue to increase in the update, the company with a solid and steady style, quality service, has been the majority of customers support and recognition! The company carefully promise: from (THRIVE CHIP) every chip shipped from the original factory!