
University of York Students' Union (YUSU)

Higher Education


The University of York Students’ Union (YUSU) is the representative body for the 22,000+ students at the University of York. Just over 50 years old and growing rapidly, YUSU provides a wide range of charitable and trading services and activities designed to improve students’ lives and support students to make the most of their time at York. Our organisation incorporates a charity and a subsidiary trading arm. The organisation as whole runs the following services: 220+ student societies, one of the widest range of student interest groups per capita of any students’ union in the country. This incorporates some of the most active and award-winning student media in the UK. A growing volunteering program linking students to volunteering opportunities across the world; building their skills, networks and experiences while supporting wider society. A fundraising programme helping students to raise and give (RAG), providing important donations to local and national charities. 60+ British University and Colleges (BUCs) teams competing across the UK. With our league placing improving for three successive years we are now firmly in the top forty teams. A wide programme of intra-mural College sport including the annual College Varsity with York colleges competing against Durham colleges. Europe’s largest annual inter-University sport competition ‘Roses’ with York playing 150 sports against Lancaster each year. A student advocacy and well-being service providing professional, independent information and advice to approximately 700 students each year that have academic or welfare concerns. A student voice service recruiting, training and developing a network of volunteer representatives. A large scale events programme on and off campus for students including live music, funfairs, cultural celebrations, comedy, formal dinners, awards ceremonies and much more. 6 venues providing food, drink and a safe, fun environment for students to socialise in.