
The REITE Club

Real Estate

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The REITE Club


The REITE (Real Estate Investing Training & Education) Club is a club for people who want to learn more about real estate investing. We provide all those interested with education, networking and support. Join our monthly meetings at the Burlington Holiday Inn, Burlington, Ontario to learn from expert speakers about how to invest, how to manage your properties, how to establish joint venture partnerships, how to build your business, and more. Turn up at 6:30 pm to register and network with people knowledgeable in real estate investing before the meeting starts at 7:00 pm. There’s lots of opportunity to network during and after the event... we even have a scheduled networking break that’s fun and gives you lots of opportunity to meet people with whom you might be able to do business! Take advantage of announcement time when members who’ve bought passes get to promote what they have to offer others or are looking to acquire. Bring your business cards to win door prizes at the end of the night. And bring lots of friends! The more we all share and learn, the better it is for all of us.