
The MentorShip Taiwan

Professional Training and Coaching
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The MentorShip Program is hosted by a global NPO, Girls in Tech Taiwan. All the organizers are volunteers. This program is a 3-layer system containing Captains (mentors), Navigators (seniors), and Sailors (mentees). Experts in diverse fields are invited as Captains in different teams. They inspire Navigators and Sailors by experiences sharing. Navigators and Sailors can also seek guidance by bringing challenges they encounter in their daily work routine. By organizing this program, we hope to build a supportive community for women in the technology industry to shine on their career paths. 台灣致力推廣女性於科技業的非營利組織 Girls In Tech 為「The MentorShip Program 曼陀號領航計畫」的主辦單位。 本計畫所有人員皆以志工形式參與,為期四個月,邀請各領域知名專家擔任小組船長 (Mentor),分組舉行實體聚會。透過船長的專業分享與經驗傳承,幫助水手 (Mentee) 縮短摸索的成本,突破職涯上的瓶頸 與挑戰,成為科技女性領袖人才。 曼陀號水手們來自各個產業與職位,帶著共同的職涯目標與各自碰到的問題,透過計畫分享與串聯,幫助彼此互相學習成長,一起打造開放互惠的女性科技社群。