
Oran W. Nicks Low-Speed Wind Tunnel at Texas A&M University

Aviation & Aerospace


The Texas A&M University Oran W. Nicks Low-Speed Wind Tunnel (TAMU LSWT) is a large-scale, subsonic wind tunnel located at Easterwood Airport (CLL) in College Station, Texas. It is part of the Department of Aerospace Engineering and the Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station. Air velocities up to 200 mph are achieved in its seven-foot-tall, ten-foot-wide test section. Higher velocities up to Mach 0.4 are possible with reduced test section sizes. Aircraft models with up to a seven-foot wing span can be easily accommodated. The LSWT measurement system can accommodate models that produce up to 3000 pounds of lift and 1000 pounds of drag using its external balance. Several internal balances are also available. The LSWT is used extensively for undergraduate education, engineering research and commercial testing. Commercial tests range from one day to several months. Studies have been conducted on everything from bicycles with riders, golf clubs, light pole fixtures, and offshore oil platforms and drill ships to missiles, airplanes, and space re-entry vehicles. The tunnel is operated by a faculty director and 7 full-time staff with assistance from graduate and undergraduate aerospace engineering students. In addition to the tunnel and associated testing equipment, these staff operate the Aerospace Engineering Machine Shop. The shop is an extensive CNC shop that builds many of the models tested in the LSWT as well as hardware for a wide range of TAMU faculty research projects. To discuss schedule, cost and capabilities please visit the LSWT website (link below) or call +1-979-845-1028. Follow the LSWT on LinkedIn for occasional news updates.