

Civic and Social Organizations


The Table de développement social de LaSalle (TDSL) is an intersectoral and multi-network table that works, through consultation, to constantly improve the quality of life of LaSalle residents. The mission of the Table de développement social de LaSalle is to bring together the social, cultural and economic actors of the LaSalle community with a view to social development. More specifically, it aims to implement initiatives through consultation, the convergence of actions, the mobilization of local stakeholders, citizen participation and the assumption of responsibility by citizens for the development of their community. In addition, it coordinates three major projects in the LaSalle region: the Airlie-Bayne Integrated Urban Revitalization (RUI), LaSalle en santé and Quartiers 21. Integrated Urban Revitalization (RUI) aims to improve overall social and economic conditions in a specific sector, in this case the Airlie-Bayne sector. It is based on a comprehensive, shared and long-term vision of a neighbourhood and aims to intervene on the factors that generate poverty. It acts primarily in the environmental, social and economic spheres. LaSalle en santé is a group of partners working to acquire and maintain healthy lifestyle habits among LaSalle residents. Quartiers 21 is a sustainable development project that aims to establish environments that are conducive to health. Quartiers 21 partners are working on active transportation, greening and urban agriculture.