
Tŷ Cerdd - Music Centre Wales


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Tŷ Cerdd - Music Centre Wales


We’re here: to bring the music of Wales to audiences across our nation, and to the rest of the world. to protect the legacy of Welsh music of the past, to nurture Welsh music of the present, and drive the development of new composition. to support professionals and non-professionals, performers and audiences, to perform, compose and experience Welsh music. We work with a growing network of societies and performing groups across Wales, offering them artistic expertise and promotional support, and helping them to connect with composers and audiences. Rydym yma: i ddod â cherddoriaeth Cymru i gynulleidfaoedd ar draws ein cenedl, ac i weddill y byd. i ddiogelu cynhysgaeth cerddoriaeth Cymru o’r gorffennol, i feithrin cerddoriaeth Cymru’r presennol, ac i yrru datblygiad cyfansoddiad newydd. i gefnogi’r sector proffesiynol a’r rheini nad ydynt yn broffesiynol, perfformwyr a chynulleidfaoedd, i berfformio, cyfansoddi a phrofi cerddoriaeth Cymru. Rydyn ni’n gweithio gyda rhwydwaith cynyddol o gymdeithasau a grwpiau perfformio ar draws Cymru, gan gynnig iddynt arbenigedd artistig a chymorth gyda hyrwyddo a’u helpu i gysylltu â chyfansoddwyr a chynulleidfaoedd.