
Sun Festival Marrakech

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Sun Festival Marrakech


(FR) Vitrine de l’ensemble des projets de l’association MarocK'Jeunes, le Sun festival est un projet visant la promotion des jeunes artistes, de la nouvelle scène artistiqueactuelle, et de l’animation de la ville de Marrakech en période estivale, à travers l’ouverture sur les cultures internationales, pour l’instauration des idéaux universels de paix, de liberté et d’égalité, par le biais de la culture et de l’art moderne, Comme pour les précédentes éditions, une pléiade d’artistes de différents pays se donnent rendez-vous à Marrakech pour le Sun festival, à travers un riche programme déclinant différentes manifestations d’art contemporain, des conférences, des résidences artistiques, des formations, des expositions (peintures, photographies,..) et plusieurs concerts. (ENG) One of the projects of the MarocK’Jeunes association, the Sun Festival is a project aiming at the promotion of young artists. It involves establishment of different international organizations for the promotion of universal ideals of peace, freedom and equality. During the last six editions, a variety of artists from different countries met up in Marrakech for the Sun Festival, via a rich program of events of contemporary art, conferences, artist residencies, training programs, exhibitions and many concerts. Since 2008, the Sun Festival has been and still is the main cultural event of Marrakech. It has become an annual event of artists from all around the world exchanging ideas between professional artists and young artists just beginning. It’s the time when the traditional and the modern is combined, interested in contemporary culture. Entry is free and everyone has access to art and culture. In the context of this 9th edition, the SunFestival is honored to invite you to be part of this magnificent human and cultural experience