
Societatea Studenteasca de Chirurgie din Romania (SSCR)

Medical Practices


Romanian Students' Society of Surgery, SSCR, is a nonprofit, nongovernmental, which has the prime goal of promoting medical information, especially in the field of surgery. SSCR is an organization that promotes competence and performance. By events that he organized and trying to organize SSCR tends to increase the quality of Romanian medical education, but especially the quality of individual training of those preparing for a surgical career. Activities: 1. Workshops organized by SSCR aim to provide to the medical student achievement of the correct basic surgical techniques, to assess their skills and prepared to enter the residential program. Among the workshops that we organize SSCR are some general (and knots Sutures, Basic Surgical Skills, Surgery Summer Camp), these students gained theoretical and practical knowledge useful in all surgical areas, others are focused on certain areas of notions surgery ( Camp Trauma, Laparoscopic Sillls Basic, Basic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Procedures, Basic Microsurgery Course). 2. Scientific Monthly sessions offer students the opportunity to enrich their knowledge in a specific area of surgery. They are invited to both physicians and students, which presents each topic in a paper prepared for the session. Each session includes both scientific notions of the history of a disease or a technical presentation of cases, operative technique and results obtained in the following studies. 3. Simulations examination Residential aim to stimulate students from year to better organize their learning. Each module ends with a test of the whole matter, so the student can observe his progress. 4. Series Conference "Social and Legislative Aspects of Medical Practice" is aimed at students, residents and medical specialists and aim to inform participants on the current state of the Romanian legislation in the field, on possible changes to laws and institutions and the rights and duties imposed by status of a physician.