
Small Meet Large

Design Services
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Design for all abilities We design and ideate products, programs and services that are accessible to, and usable by, as many people as possible. Small Meet Large leads strategy and innovation for entrepreneurs, startups and Fortune 500 companies, on a mission towards social good. There are a billion people in the world with disabilities. So why are we still ignoring that population? As product people—designers, scientists, and engineers—it’s our responsibility to create accessible products and services for all. There have always been leaders and followers in our society, and one can examine this instinctual pattern through the earliest ages of child play. The strongest, most energetic and resourceful child will often take charge and the other children will follow. Yet, as we become older and enter into more complex situations, leadership and strength can be redefined. Our mission is to design for all abilities and level the playing field for future leaders to redefine strength. We build inclusive and adaptive brands that are aligned to the three core SML values: empathy, creative play, and science.