
Sibawayh Printing, Publishing and Distributionسيبويه

Book and Periodical Publishing


It is a known fact that reading is the highest type of knowledge. We acknowledge that the need of reading is increasing day by day in this fast era of information exchange. After for seeing the need, Sibawayh finds it imperative to help the readers by providing an easy access to the reading content, anytime, anywhere. We at Sibawayh, supports the Arabic content by all possible means. The rich and diverse Sibawayh portal provides several Arabic books (Electronic and paper) Our Vision: We aspire to be the leading hardcopy and digital publishing house in the KSA and across the GCC by 2022. Our Mission: • We aim to provide our customers, including readers and authors, with the best services. • Fill our bookstore with a variety of literary, historical and social, as well as novels, stories, educational and cultural books. • Leverage technology and modern techniques to instill a passion for culture, knowledge pursuit and reading habits. • We aim to professionally and efficiently manage the book publications.