
Shanghai Yu Hua Fruits

Wholesale Import and Export

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Shanghai Yu Hua Fruits


Shanghai YUHUA Fruits Co., Ltd was established in 2006, located in Shanghai Huizhan Fruit Wholesale Market with a registered capital of 3 million USD. During 14 years of development, YUHUA Fruits has developed itself to be a leading importer, agent, wholesaler and retailer of top quality fruit from all over the world, facilitated with complete and professional cold-chain logistics which include 20 cold rooms of total over 5000 square meters, and over 3000 square meters area of repacking facilities. We import fresh fruit from all over the world, from countries like United States, South East Asia, Chile, Peru, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand etc. with annual turnover around 80 million USD, in total around 1000 containers. Our main import products are cherries, kiwis, citrus, grapes, avocados, tropical fruits and other stone fruits. We have built strong sales channels in far east china and have been developing strategic partners in the north and inland cities of China. YUHUA Fruits is dedicated to build good relations with good fruit suppliers from all over the world. 关于我们 上海御华果品有限公司(以下简称公司)成立于 2006 年,注册资金贰仟万元人民币。公司于 1997 年以个 体经营的形式从事进口水果批发业务,至今已有 20 多 年的经营历史,公司立足上海,服务全国,拥有丰富的水果营 销经验和众多客户资源,是华东地区水果行业具有代表性的领 先企业。 公司总部位于上海辉展果蔬批发市场,在市场拥有多个批发档 口,并在上海和二三线城市拥有众多经营分部和合作伙伴,长 期经营高档进口水果的进口、代理、批发、超市配送、终端配 送以及电子商务平台销售等业务,同时在上海自建有 5000 多 平方的冷库和加工分包产线,最大程度的保证果品的新鲜供应。 公司与海内外原产地供应商保持常年良好稳定的合作关系,每 年从美国,智利,秘鲁,南非,澳洲,新西兰,东南亚等国家 进口超过 1000 个集装箱的进口果品,年销售额超过 5 亿元, 且年进口量保持健康良性的增长。公司在国内拥有完善的产地 采购资源,致力于开发国产精品水果的代理和经销业务,并与 “西域香妃”等国内知名品牌建立了长久稳定的合作关系。 上海御华果品始终坚持诚信为本,共赢发展的理念,通过上下 游资源的优化整合,强化渠道优势,为广大客户和合作伙伴提 供最大的竞争优势。