
Dolleymores - Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys

Legal Services


European Patent Attorneys, Chartered Patent Attorneys (UK), European Community Trade Mark Attorneys, UK Registered Trade Mark Attorneys. When you have an idea, that is all you have – an idea, nothing else. Because an idea is intangible, it cannot be protected until it is used to create something. Then it becomes Intellectual Property, which can be owned, traded in or licensed just like any other form of property. There are various forms of Intellectual Property. Patents, where applicable, give you exclusive ownership in an invention. Registered trademarks give you sole rights to use a sign or symbol to distinguish your goods or services, while Registered Design is a monopoly right in a product’s appearance. Then there’s Copyright. This automatically gives you a right to stop others from copying your work, while unregistered Design Right is there to stop others copying the design of your work. Complicated? Certainly, but even more so when you consider that one single item can be covered by more than one form of Intellectual Property. This is why this area of the law needs those who specialise solely in Intellectual Property law. As Patent and Trademark Attorneys, this is what we do: we do not practise in any other area of law.