
SANRU asbl - Primary Health Care in Rural Areas

Philanthropic Fundraising Services


SANRU (rural health) is a non-governmental organization based on the Christian faith, with headquarters in Kinshasa at number 76 on the Avenue de la Justice in the municipality of Gombe. In its evolution, SANRU asbl has undergone several changes. From project to actual form, more than 37 years have passed, punctuated by stops and resumption according to the political context of the country. It is in this context that the SANRU Program will be transformed into an ASBL which will obtain its legal personality on November 3, 2011, SANRU following the Ministerial Order No. 613 / CAB / MIN / J & DH / 2011. SANRU is an autonomous NGO that is based on faith. It operates with a General Assembly, a Board of Directors and a Secretariat or Executive Management. It benefits from funding from various sources, including the Global Fund, DFID, GAVI alliance, the World Bank, PEPFAR, and ACQUAL / TULANE UNIVERSITY. In its strategic plan2015-2020, SANRU asbl has also identified areas of funding or activities that can generate extra-project revenue in the context of its empowerment. SANRU Asbl is among the oldest and the first organizations in the DRC to work in close collaboration with the Ministry of Health and to implement Primary Health Care (PHC) activities through the Health Zones (ZS) of the DRC, in accordance with the Alma Ata Declaration. It is registered with the Ministry of Public Health under the number MS 1255 / DSSP / 30/070 and the Ministry of Planning under No. 412 / PL / 2012.