
Renewables and Environmental Regulatory Institute RERI

Environmental Services


Environmental protection comprises a set of different procedures and measures that prevent its endangerment and pollution. The most effective tool for achieving these goals is law and through its implementation and proper use, these goals become reachable and achievable. RERI strives to enable stakeholders to better understand laws and help decision makers in the process of improvement and further development of regulations in this area and their further alignment with the Acquis Communautaire. The right to a healthy environment and timely and complete awareness of its status is a constitutionally guaranteed right of every citizen. With our work and dedication, we want to have a positive impact on the world around us. A healthy environment is the basis for the preservation of human existence and the healthy and continuous expansion of our society. RERI strives to be an active participant in this process. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Zaštita životne sredine podrazumeva skup različitih postupaka i mera koji sprečavaju njeno ugrožavanje i zagađenje. Najdelotvornije oruđe za postizanje tih ciljeva jesu pravo i zakon, a kroz njihovo sprovođenje i adekvatnu primenu ti ciljevi postaju dostižni i ostvarivi. Stoga RERI nastoji da zainteresovanim licima omogući njihovo bolje razumevanje, a donosiocima odluka pomogne u procesu poboljšanja i daljeg razvoja propisa u ovoj oblasti i njihovog daljeg usklađivanja sa tekovinama prava EU. Pravo na zdravu životnu sredinu i na blagovremeno i potpuno obaveštavanje o njenom stanju predstavlja ustavom zagarantovano pravo svakog građanina. Našim radom i posvešćenošću želimo da pozitivno delujemo na svet oko nas. Zdrava životna sredina je osnov za očuvanje ljudske egzistencije i zdravog i kontinuiranog razvoja društva. RERI nastoji da bude aktivni učesnik u tom procesu.

  • National Library of Serbia

    National Library of Serbia, 1, Скерлићева, Neimar, Vracar, Vracar Urban Municipality, Belgrade, City of Belgrade, Central Serbia, 11000, Serbia

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