
Razi Insurance Company بیمه رازی



Razi Insurance Company (public share holder) ,the first private insurance company in Iran after the Islamic Revolution,was founded in 2003 . the market share index of our Company is 2% in Iran and the performance of the company shows at least 30% growth annually. Razi now with 30 branches and 500 employees , and more than 1000 agencies over the country provides people with insurance services : -life insurance including term insurance,saving and life insurance,medical payments insurance , and travel insurance -property insurance such as cargo insurance ,fire and home insurance ,engineering and liability insurance , car and third party liability insurance. our major plans for the future are : - to establish branches of Razi Insurance Company in neighbor countries and the Persian Gulf Region : (Emirates, Iraq, …) - to enter a joint venture with a foreign insurance company in order to have a larger attendance in the market of of Iran since the insurance penetration(ie premiums as a % of GDP) is 1.3% in the country where the figure is over 10% in developed countries and approximately 7% worldwide