
Ptujska tiskarna - printing house

Printing Services


Zaupanje, kakovost, odgovornost, privlačnost. V Ptujski tiskarni se zavedamo, da naše stranke od nas pričakujejo le najboljše. Ne ponujamo jim le izdelkov, temveč jim nudimo celovite storitve oziroma še nekaj več. Prizadevamo si, da ponujamo koristi, ki presegajo kakovost za vložen denar. Vsak dan znova se zavzemamo, da skozi naše izdelke in storitve izkazujemo do naših strank vrednote, ki nas ločujejo od drugih. Confidence, quality, responsibility, attractiveness. Ptujska tiskarna is aware of the fact that our customers expect only the best from us. We do not offer only the products, but also complete services and even more. We do our best to offer benefits that exceed the quality for the money invested by the customer. With every day we strive to use our products and services to express the values that differentiate us from others. 00386 (0)2 78 80 210