
PROINCO - Promotion of Investments and Commerce

Government Relations Services


PROINCO – Promotion of Investments and Commerce is a private Agency based in Maputo, Mozambique that functions as a one-stop-shop organization with diversified potential that is linked to large sectors of commercial activities, involved and associated with foreign and national investment projects aiming to enter the business market of Mozambique with safety and efficiency, in the vast business opportunities that the country offers, as well as in the promotion of international trade for different products and commodities. We provide clients with the services they need to make accurate investment decisions with more consistent opportunities to optimize their businesses, manage risk and maximize profits. PROINCO includes a large network of successful investment projects (a database with more than 3000 domestic and foreign companies) and strong both Private and Government relations with more efficiency, precision and dynamics in providing services in various sectors of activities including Agro-business, Fishing, Tourism, Industry, Oil and Natural Gas, Construction of Public and Private Infrastructures, Mining, Technology; Energy; And Transport. Our partnership with international and national companies aims at the provision and facilitation of commercial activities which include: Projectos de Investimento (isencao aduaneira e fiscal) (fiscal and customs exemptions from Investment Authorized Projects from Government ) Registo e Licenciamento de Empresas (Company registration and licensing) Estudo de viabilidade e pesquisa de mercado (Feasibility study and Market research) Mobilizacao de parcerias e financiamentos (Business partnerships and funding) Comercio Internacional (International Trade) Servicos migratorios (vistos) (Visa Services) Desenvolvimento de Negocios (Business development services) Contabilidade e Regularizacao Fiscal (Accounting and taxation services)