
Prader-Willi Research Foundation of Australia

Research Services


The Prader-Willi Research Foundation of Australia is dedicated to improving clinical outcomes and delivering better treatments for people living with Prader-Willi syndrome. We invest in cutting edge research which will help people with Prader-Will syndrome live independent lives, free from the most debilitating aspects of the condition - hyperphagia (uncontrollable hunger), mental illness including anxiety, obesity and the severe complications that can arise from slow gastric emptying. What we learn about Prader-Willi syndrome will also inform two of the world's biggest public health challenges - obesity and mental health. You can make a difference to the lives of people with Prader-Willi syndrome. Spread the world: Tell everyone you know about Prader-Willi syndrome, visit our website for ideas and more information Donate: Help fund research that will change the lives of people living with Prader-Willi syndrome and their entire families.