
Porteghal Accelerator | From Lab to Market

Business Consulting and Services


Porteghal Accelerator is a biotechnology, nanotechnology & life sciences startups accelerator as well as an innovation management consulting company registered in Iran. Porteghal is officially registered in 2019 however; it has been operationally active since 2017. Our main mission in Porteghal is to support non-business researchers to form startup teams and to provide commercialization services to the startup teams who are looking forward to take the innovation journey and pass the innovation valley of death. In return of our professional services as well as our initial seed money investments in selected startups, Porteghal will be compensated by a share of these near future companies. We become a strategic partner of each of our startup teams. Porteghal invests time, infrastructure, professional services and money while accepting the commercialization risks and actively targeting the future potential profits. The story behind founding Porteghal goes back to its founder endeavors to commercialize a biotechnology-based invention in the field of wound patches. Development of this new business started in 2012 and took more than 5 years to be accomplished. Executing this project and experiencing the challenges during those though years, made Porteghal founders’ experts in biotech commercialization and motivated them to start a venture to support entrepreneurs through their innovation journey with an accelerated, supported and mentored approach. This was how Porteghal was born in 2017.