
Policy Advocacy Research Centre, India

Non-profit Organizations


PARC, an initiative of Vivek Vyaspeeth, aims to bring together all stakeholders like political leadership, government administration, financial establishments, economists, industrialists, business experts, scientists from various fields and others with a feeling of mutual trust and with the intent of national welfare. Presently all these stakeholders are at crossroads on various points. Economic success is based on factors like innovation, availability of financial resources, affordable raw material, skilled human resource, easy access to market etc. Moreover, additional services like credible information based on data gathering and analysis, testing labs, vertical and horizontal integration of industries etc are needed. PARC wishes to initiate a structured dialogue between various stake holders on various policy matters. Alongside it will strive to make effective use of various civil society platforms to highlight various issues which can help in economic development, wealth generation and market competitiveness. It will engage teams of scholars, dedicated for research in various fields that affect economic growth. It will evolve action plans and try to coordinate with various sectors for economic development. Currently, we are organizing discussion meets for various industries to present their problems and project possible opportunities. In a period of two months we have been able to arrange two meetings with concerned ministers who have taken concrete actions to resolve the issues. We are confident that your active involvement in our efforts will help us to achieve our objective at the earliest. You can contribute by way of your knowledge, expertise, information, network, and financial assistance. For more information visit our website or email us at