
Pointer Brand Protection & Research

Software Development


Pointer Brand Protection is committed to protecting brands of all sizes from a variety of online crimes. By targeting counterfeits and intellectual property (IP) infringements across all industries, we aim to eliminate the counterfeiting industry by protecting brands in need. With a winning combination of sophisticated software and expert service, we track, monitor, and remove infringing content on a wide variety of markets, including social media platforms, global online marketplaces, app stores, and more. Our advanced technology can automatically detect which products are inauthentic, while our experienced legal and certified investigative teams ensure that the perpetrators are dealt with accordingly. Our user-friendly dashboard provides customers with thorough and interactive data, allowing for easy enforcement and successful takedown of infringing content. With our services, online criminals are accounted for and manageable in a comprehensive system. Tired of all those counterfeiters damaging your brand? Sign up for a free demo today!

  • NL+

    NL+, Vertrekpassage, Schiphol, Haarlemmermeer, North Holland, Netherlands, 1118 AW, Netherlands

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  • New York

    New York, United States

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