
Physiology Research Center, Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences

Research Services


History of Physiology Research Center (APRC) This center started its informal activity in a cooperation with deputy of research and technology of the University in parts of the building of the Pharmacology Department in medicine School since 1996 (the current space of Diabetes Research Center and temporary conversion of a set of health services to the whereabouts of laboratory animals under behavioral and electrophysiological tests) with the approval of research proposals (projects and graduate thesis and PhD in pharmacy) with at least facilities. With the approval of research projects and with the use of their funding, materials and equipment manufactured in Iran and abroad, standard cages of animals and even a number of aluminum cages designed and built was prepared and bought in Ahvaz. In line with the implementation of theses and research projects approved by the University, software and hardware facilities of the Departments of Physiology, Pharmacology and so on in the university, and also other centers and universities of the country as well (with the approval of the joint between the academic thesis projects) were used. In the years 2004-2006, from the place of financial assistances of the Deputies of education and research of the University in that time, to advance and the implementation of the graduate thesis (M.Sc. and Ph.D), new and advanced laboratory of Physiology research equipment in the fields that their laboratories were active or setting up (sciences of neuroscience and behavior, electrophysiology, cardiology, isolated tissue, and cell and hormone) were purchased from inside and outside the country. With the efforts of the founding Board of the Center and assistance and follow-up of the Vice Chancellor for research and technology of the University in March 2006, Agreement in-principle was issued for establishing the Physiology Research Center by the Ministry of health.