
PECDAR | Palestinian Economic Council for Development and Reconstruction

Public Policy Offices


The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) established PECDAR as an independent institution in 1993 in full cooperation and coordination with the donor community to Palestine in support of the peace process. PECDAR's mandate covers a wide range of responsibilities including aid coordination, economic policy, project management, coordination with NGO'S and UN specialized agencies, technical assistance and training as well as IT. Donor's funds are disbursed effectively and efficiently and in the most transparent manner. Funds are project oriented in accordance with national priorities, where project preparation and monitoring is carried out by PECDAR , while project identification is carried out by the relevant ministries and municipalities. PECDAR is accountable to a Board of Trustees which is headed by President Mahmoud Abbas, and all PECDAR 's finances are audited by external auditors as well as donor audit missions. Projects implemented under PECDAR 's rule, are tendered through the local papers and bids are opened in the presence of all competitors. Local Contractors Carry Out most of the work while International Firms and consultants Conduct Technical assistance Work.