

Software Development
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For years, companies looking to set up SAM and ITAM programmes have struggled to find the sweet spot between consulting, hiring, outsourcing and relying on tooling automation. At FisherITS, we are neither an advocate of maximising time-and-material billing nor a believer of silver-bullet SAM automations. We feel that only by accepting the limitations of both human-led SAM expertise and tooling automation, organisations can drive a sustainable SAM and ITAM solution. OpenSAM Combining a SAM Tool with Consultant Expertise OpenSAM began in 2018 as a skunk works project by some of our most innovative SAM consultants and a small team of developers. Our design philosophy includes two distinct prioritises: to automate ONLY the high-volume yet low business value tasks (e.g., data processing or software recognition), and to build workflow automation so our consultants’ expertise can be leveraged more efficiently for high business value tasks (e.g., complex licence modelling, risk management and cost optimisation). The result is a SaaS solution that leverages the best blend of technology and human expertise. We call it OpenSAM, because we believe that we have opened the optimal pathway for SAM consultants and SAM tools to collaborate instead of competing.