
OCTG Surplus Management

Oil and Gas
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OCTG SURPLUS MANAGEMENT is a consultancy enabling oil & gas and geothermal operators to value, market and re-monetise their surplus OCTG (casing & tubing) assets. Our team members each have years of experience of OCTG manufacturing, of involvement in the OCTG supply chain or of OCTG consumption. We offer a customized service, worldwide, assisting owners in the following ways: - accurate valuation - e.g. comparison of book value v actual market value (dependent upon specification, quantity, condition, age, origin, location) - marketing - including region-specific and product-specific advice - facilitation of sale (or barter with other owners, where that is an option) - e.g. negotiation of price, payment term and delivery term - inspection advice - including Third Party Inspector (TPI) selection & recommended scope of inspection - repair/refurbishment/storage advice - shipping advice - recommendation of specialist freight forwarders WHY WORK WITH US? - We provide independent, specialised technical and commercial advice - We secure the maximum return for owners by using our deep market knowledge, our extensive contacts and by charging low fees (typically payable only upon success) - We market available surplus only to other end users and to reputable traders known or likely to have short-term demand for your specific items, rather than marketing to dealers with only a speculative interest or to non-specialist auction sites who do not target such prime potential buyers (and yet charge higher fees) - We assist buyers and sellers to reduce carbon emissions and meet their ESG goals through the efficient use of existing OCTG, rather than new production THERE IS NO FEE FOR AN INITIAL ASSESSMENT OF YOUR REQUIREMENTS. Please see the website for contact details and an enquiry form.