
nuggets - market research & consulting

Market Research
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Our passion for good marketing drives us. Hence, we will always look at the findings through the eyes of a marketeer, in order to deliver precise and marketable answers to your questions. nuggets has been awarded as “Insider Tip - Smaller Agencies” in the image study “Marktforschungsdienstleister 2020/21” of the German market research platform OUR EXPERTISE: Brand Management: baseline study, brand key analysis, brand stretch analysis, brand image analysis, brand positioning surveys, market segmentation, brand tracking, SWOT-analysis, target group segmentation, cluster analysis Innovation Management: ethnography, netnography, co-creation, concept-screening Product Development, Packaging Design, Range Optimization: U&A studies (usage & attitude), concept test, product test, concept use test (CUT), sensory test with magnitude estimation scale (M.E.S.), MaxDiff, CHAID, penalty reward, TURF analysis, (online) shelf test / virtual shelf test, packaging design test, online eye tracking (spotlight viewer), usability test Pricing: classic conjoint analysis, advanced price conjoint, price sensitivity measurement (PSM), Gabor Granger, Brand Price Trade-Off Advertising Research: add impact®, pre-testing, post-testing, ad effectiveness research - qualitative and quantitative, website testing, claim testing, name testing Shopper Research: accompanied shopping, shelf test, (online) eye tracking, promotion test International Market Research: qualitative and quantitative research with our local partners of our extensive international network. Qualitative: group discussions/ focus groups, creative workshops, dyads, triads, in-depth interviews in studios and virtual spaces (online bulletin board, MROC, blogs, forums, think tank consumer, think tank retail) Quantitative: online panel, online with client delivered addresses, with personal interviews in a studio (CAPI, WAPI, CASI) or in-home within households, telephone (CATI), at POS, mobile surveys