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Create your own blockchain! Our compiler generates 100% error-free blockchain code based on process modeling and accelerates BC-technology by a factor of 10-15, and lowers the threshold to build blockchains on a large scale. NorthChain specialises in private blockchains and business process modeling and employs a high-level, structured natural language (called OLE) to design and validate blockchains. NorthChain leverages Corda and other blockchain platforms to implement state-of-the-art private blockchains. How we work The NorthChain OLE-method always starts by defining a business process model of an organization (a so-called blockchain flowchart), which is subsequently translated to a detailed textual specification in a high-level, structured natural language, called OLE (from Objects, Logic, and English). Blockchain flowcharts and OLE-texts are easy to read and can be validated by domain experts (often non-IT specialists). These validated specifications are then offered as input to the NorthChain OLE-Compiler to generate error-free Corda-code. Error-free, because the input text in OLE is both validated and optimized from a business perspective. This approach results in producing correct blockchain code much quicker than any other more traditional approach (10-15 times faster on average). Ratio of lines OLE-text to lines of Corda code is about 1:200. Crux of the matter in this whole approach is the OLE-Compiler. The OLE-texts contain the complete specification of the blockchain; the specifications are maintainable, adaptable and allow for contract evolution over time. Collaborations/partnerships. NorthChain aims at establishing collaborations with strategic partners. By training instructors/engineers, we aim at large-scale design and construction of correctly implemented private blockchains. Our technology and model-driven methods enable attaining this goal.