

Financial Services

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Mr. Finance is founded by alumni from Shanghai Jiao tong University and Tongji University, with a mission to assist students with career development issues and bridge the gap between the academic and professional realms. The company has established and information platform tailored for students and has organized university tours around China to help students gain a deeper understanding of the finance profession. To enhance students’ professional competitiveness, Mr. Finance also operates various short-term training courses and long-term internship programs around the world, such as Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore, New York, London and Dubai. We are able to bridge the education gap and enhance the use of young and professional talents via these initiatives. Mr. Finance has organized about 100 online and offline seminars at New York University (Shanghai Campus), Peking University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Remin University etc., reaching over 50,000 students. We aim to help students identify their goals and aspirations via these events. Mr. Finance金融先生是由交大,同济校友联合创立的大学生金融求职问题咨询的O2O平台。在这里你可以找到金融求职问题的答案,提供金融职场资讯的畅通,配合我们的金融项目更好的填补学校理论与金融职场之间的间隙。 金融先生举办近100场线上线下校园讲座,包括纽约大学、北京大学、清华大学、复旦大学、上海交通大学等,超过上万名听众。透过覆盖金融行业的人脉网络(包括高盛、摩根士丹利、JP Morgan、瑞士银行、麦肯锡、埃森哲、人民银行、汇丰、渣打、四大、国有银行等)为学生搭建能与金融前辈们面对面沟通的平台。 分享人脉,分享经验 ——“The pursuit of something better”