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MetaTalk -《早晨Talksooo!》是一檔專訪各行各業精英領袖的網台節目,創辦人兼主持人是蘇仲成博士,而另一位主持人是前亞視副總裁葉家寶先生。蘇仲成博士在數字科技、電子商務、保險和網上教育領域有多年的豐富經驗,曾任多家上市公司董事一職。《早晨!Talksooo》在全球最大職場社交平台LinkedIn上有接近200萬的曝光率,主持人將在每期節目中與領袖們一道分享對身處行業的前瞻見解和豐富經驗,談談他們創業過程中的心路歷程、難忘經歷,以及疫市下如何轉變策略、越挫越勇。希望為職場人士帶來一定啟發。 <<Good Morning! Talksooo>> is an internet talk show interviewing elites from all walks of life, which is established and host by Dr Michael So and co-host by Yip Ka Po—former vice president of Hong Kong Asia Television Limited. Dr So has over 20 years experience in e-commerce, digital technology, insurance and e-learning. He held executive positions at several international, large scale enterprises and listed companies. <<Morning! Talksooo>> has high exposure—nearly 2 million viewers for every post. In each episode, a successful leader would be invited to share and discuss their in-depth insights and rich experience in their business with our show hosts. They would also reveal the difficulties they have been through, and how they got stronger with every setback. Hope we could shed some lights to those in need.