
Mail Today (The India Today Group)

Newspaper Publishing


Mail Today, a daily newspaper in compact format, is published by Mail Today Newspapers Private Limited, a joint venture between the India Today Group and Daily Mail of London. Mail Today is a morning daily with a difference. Clean, lucid and straight- talking, Mail Today marries the credibility and authenticity of the India Today Group with Daily Mail's international standards. Mail Today comes with a wide range of sections, all of which make for a compelling read: *Money Mail *Good Health * Femail *Lifestyle* It's Friday! *Entertainment *Property Mail *You *Review* Travel Mail. An engaging read for the new Indian that makes good mornings just great. INDIA TODAY, the India Today Group's weekly magazine, is the number one news magazine in the country. Launched in 1975, the magazine in just a few years became the leading newsmagazine in the country. Now, with editions in five languages, it has become the most widely read publication in India-a position it has held for over a decade-with a circulation of 1.1 million every week and a readership of more than 15 million. Visit for information on all the offerings from the India Today Group's stable.