
Macau Fisherman's Wharf 澳門漁人碼頭



Located approximately a five-minute walk away from the Macau Ferry Terminal along the outer harbour of the Macau Peninsula, Macau Fisherman’s Wharf is the largest leisure and entertainment complex on the Macau Peninsula. Featuring Babylon Casino, convention and exhibition center, Rocks Hotel, Harbourview Hotel, a marina, a theme park and dining, shopping and entertainment facilities, Macau Fisherman’s Wharf brings together a variety of themes to create a unique and multicultural experience that appeals to a broad spectrum of visitors from Asia. Testament to its splendid world-class services and facilities, Macau Fisherman’s Wharf was awarded “Most Popular Hong Kong and Macau Brands” by China Media Network in 2009 and “Best Theme Park” by Travel Weekly Asia Industry Awards in 2008. We are in the process of redeveloping Macau Fisherman’s Wharf. We plan to redevelop existing facilities as well as adding a diverse range of new facilities, such as additional gaming areas, hotel accommodation, food and beverage outlets, retail space and entertainment venues in order to expand and enhance our unique offering. For more information, please visit 澳門漁人碼頭位於澳門半島外港沿岸,與客運碼頭相距僅五分鐘路程,是澳門半島最大的休閒娛樂綜合設施,設有巴比倫娛樂場、會議展覽中心、萊斯酒店、勵庭海景酒店、碼頭、主題遊樂場以及餐飲、購物及娛樂場所,澳門漁人碼頭糅合各式主題,讓訪客感受獨特的多元文化體驗,吸引亞洲各國旅客到訪。 澳門漁人碼頭於二零零九年獲China Media Network頒發「最受歡迎港澳品牌」大獎,及於二零零八年獲Travel Weekly Asia Industry Awards頒發「最佳主題樂園」殊榮,引證了澳門漁人碼頭的服務及設施達世界頂級水平。 我們正積極重建澳門漁人碼頭,計劃重建現有設施,並新增多項設施,例如擴充博彩區,增加酒店房間、食肆及零售店舖及娛樂場所,藉此擴充及提升我們獨有的休閒娛樂服務。 詳情請瀏覽

  • 853, Konert Hill Drive, Fenton, Rock Township, Jefferson County, Missouri, 63026, United States

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