
Global Passive Safety Systems India P Ltd

Oil and Gas


An ISO 9001:2008 certified organization, the company is a Joint Venture with the inventors of Passive Safety System technology for hoses to be used in hazardous applications. These hoses are assembled in India with the assignment of the patent to the Indian Company. Local assembly of the hoses result in much faster response time to the customer with an effective and tangible In Country after sales service back up. ‘Lifeguard’ Technology It makes sense to incorporate the added safety of the Lifeguard Safety System® to all your LPG transfer & Cylinder filling applications. The Lifeguard safety system features an internal safety system using a Engineered Compression Spring® connected to normally unseated valves located on each end to the hose, internal to the coupling. In the event of coupling ejection, hose stretching to the point of an unsafe condition or hose severance, the valves are released and instantly seat, stopping the flow in both directions.