
"Kazakh Tourism" National Company" JSC

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«NATIONAL COMPANY «KAZAKH TOURISM» JSC Marketing and promotion: Formation and implementation of the promotion strategy of Kazakhstan as a tourist destination; Promotion of tourist potential of Kazakhstan through traditional and digital channels of promotion within the country and abroad; Development a united tourist portal of Kazakhstan; Organization of exhibitions, road shows and info-tours; Attracting MICE events in Kazakhstan. Information and analytical support: Research and analysis; Elaboration of master plans for the development of tourist destinations; Monitoring trends in tourism on an ongoing basis. Digitalization of the tourism industry: Development of systems for automating various processes in the field of tourism; Carrying out projects to increase the attractiveness of the destination for tourists in terms of digitalization. Competency development and investment attraction: Participation in the development and implementation of basic quality standards; Incentives for creation of new tourist products and improvement of existing ones; Generation of proposals for the implementation of investment projects; Generation of proposals for the implementation of investment projects.